Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022 In Ottawa, Canada.

AM Production Las Vegas is a video production company based in Las Vegas that specializes in high-quality video production in various settings: weddings, interviews, private parties, corporate events, etc. For your videography or photography needs, please, do not hesitate to contact us at 702 215 1122 USA truckers freedom convoy 2022 Music: Nikki Mathis--Stand on Guard/O Canada by Summit Sounds Lyrics (only the portion played in the video) see below: There were hungry man who gathered Cause they heard about a fare To see Jehovah move among them It was fasting, it was prayer What they found was unexpected A pouring out that’s undefined A legacy was in the making A way was paved for us to find We are standing at the battle line This is our anthem, this is our cry To see revival The nations free O Canada, we stand on guard for thee So we are meeting at the battle The same ground where Yo
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