More Secrets in Death Stranding 2 Official Trailer (TGA 2022)

More Death Stranding 2 Trailer Secrets (TGA 2022). Find out all the deep secrets hidden in the first official trailer of Death Stranding from Hideo Kojima (Kojima Productions). Learn the age (12 months based on 29 inches) of Louise (Lou) in Death Stranding 2, the special tattoo marks on her, and see an aged Sam Porter with white hair. Find out about APAC (Automated Public Assistance Company), DHV Magellan (Drawbridge Hover Vehicle?), and Drawbridge Logos. See the pilot, falling Goo Gazer creatures, UAC (United Cities of America) Seal Stickers, Amelie statues, and more. Also, find out the locations of CIWS in Fragile’s new APAC ship. Watch Higgs perform on the guitar with many red guards. Also includes odd details like the carpet pattern (checkered squares), two rainbows (inverted and normal), prepper bunker concrete thickness (8 feet), crane brand name (Lorn Roamer), and brand of the electric unicycle. This Death Stranding 2 Trailer from The Game Awards (2022) is from the PlayStation 5 (PS5) version. #dea
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