MASSIVE! Scientists Created a Black Hole in The Lab, And Then It Started to Glow!!!

A group of physicists from the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands successfully recreated the conditions at a black hole’s event horizon in a lab, and observed the equivalent of an elusive form of radiation first theorised by Stephen Hawking, a report from Science Alert explains. If this new finding holds any water, it might pave the way for a whole new theory that unites the tenets of general relativity with quantum mechanics. The black hole event horizon was replicated in the lab by using a line of atoms in a single file. Hawking radiation, which is made up of particles formed as a result of disruptions in quantum fluctuations brought on by the black hole ripping spacetime, gave out a visible glow. Because the concepts of general relativity and quantum physics are so distinct from what we see in the micro, some scientists think Hawking radiation might assist to unify the two. Stephen Hawking’s pursuit of a quantum gravity theory that would reconcile the two competi
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