MTG Market Watch: Innistrad Midnight Hunt Set Reveal and More Impact Card Prices This Week

In this episode of the Magic the Gathering Market Watch we examine the impact Innistrad: Midnight Hunt’s reveal has had on card prices and more. Check Out and use the promo code “HEROES” to get 10% off any order over 10 USD. They now have Innistrad: Midnight Hunt products available for preorder. Remember there is free shipping in the US for orders consistently only of singles or any order that totals at least 100 USD: Order our featured products on Amazon: Heroes and Legends is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to . Check out our Patreon Page to find out how you can help the channel grow: This video is made possible by our Patrons through Patreon.
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