Panzer Front bis - Hunting on aerosleigh

This “additional“ mission (on the map “Sinyavino“) belongs to the category of tasks “with a secret,“ my favorite. )). But first, it was not entirely clear. The point here is in the enemy aerosleigh NKL, which some time after the beginning of the mission appeared in the south-east of the map, nearby the church it turned to the north (in a straight railroad tracks) and then rushed at full speed beyond the limits of the map on the north, after which the message appeared - “Mission failed.“ And if you destroy it - the same result. The editor, too, not everything was clear - in the “circumstances of the mission“ as a victory and defeat was the murder of snowmobiles. However, I later realized - first it was necessary to remove the force of enemy infantry north of the church, then to shoot anti-tank gun next and finally destroy the infantry on the south between the two building. After this stupid snowmobile will travel in a straight line - right under the fire came to the rescue tanks. VICTORY! P.S. It’s funny, what I first tried to ram those silly snowmobile, kill a machine gun, but it turned out that the armor is too strong, and they are very nimble - still pushed into the ditch!))
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