VOCES8 sings William Byrd’s motet ’Laudibus in Sanctis’ in the VOCES8 Centre in London.
Laudibus in sanctis Dominum celebrate supremum,
Firmamenta sonent inclita facta Dei.
Inclita facta Dei cantate, sacraque potentis
Voce potestatem saepe sonate manus.
Magnificum Domini cantet tuba martia nomen,
Pieria Domino concelebrate lira.
Laude Dei, resonent resonantia tympana summi,
Alta sacri resonent organa laude Dei.
Hunc arguta canant tenui psalteria corda,
Hunc agili laudet laeta chorea pede.
Concava divinas effundant cymbala laudes,
Cymbala dulcisona laude repleta Dei,
Omne quod aetheris in mundo vescitur auris,
Halleluia canat, tempus in omne Deo.
Celebrate the Lord most high in holy praises:
Let the firmament echo the glorious deeds of God.
Sing ye the glorious deeds of God, and with holy voice
Sound forth oft the power of his mighty hand.
Let the warlike trumpet sing the great name of the Lord:
Celebrate the Lord with Pierian lyre.
Let resounding timbrels ring to the