Starry Night by Yasmina Solé, interpreted by Worthing Caring Candles children’s choir.

This was the second performance by Worthing Caring Candles children’s choir of ’Starry Night,’ written & composed by Yasmina Solé. The background images have been lovingly put together by Tatiana Fagua and Nelson Garzón. We also thank Tatiana Fagua for assisting Yasmina Solé in her conducting of the children in the harmonies part of the song. I, (Yasmina Solé) have composed and written this song, which our most loving God gave me, which evokes the longing of going to our sweet celestial home, where there won’t be no more tears, but sweetness and happiness to share with our Saviour that gave His all to free us from our chains. The song also reflects in the light. Mary was admiring in wonder the beautiful starry night not realising the sleeping babe in her arms was the world’s only light, & it goes to explain that Jesus is the star of our night, through Him our burdens are lifted, and we can look forward to our sweet home, sweet home, sweet home.... I hope this song truly blesses you and encourages you to seek God’s love that can brighten our path through the darkest night 🌙 STARRY NIGHT by Yasmina Solé 1 Starry night, starry night, Mary gazed in wonder, At the starry night. Sleeping babe, sleeping babe, Mary didn’t know, She was holding tight, The world’s only light.  Chorus: Baby, baby of my heart, You came to save us all. *Star of my night, Come back in might, To take me home, Home, sweet home. (Group 1: repeats *) (Group 2: ‘Home, sweet home’ x4.) 2 Sweetest light, sweetest light, Your love shines in my night, My path turning bright. Loving babe, loving babe, I’ll behold your face, In your sweet embrace. Oh, so loving grace! Chorus: Baby, baby ofy my heart, You came to save us all. *Star of my night, Come back in might, To take me home, Home, sweet home. (Group 1: repeats *-twice) (Group 2: ‘Home, sweet home’ x4 -twice.) CODA: Group 1: Sweet home, (x2) Take me home, Sweet home, (x2) Take me home, Sweet home, (x2) Sweet, Sweet, Sweet... Group 2: Home, sweet home, (x2) Take me home, Home, sweet home, (x2) Take me home, Home, sweet home, (x2) Home, Home, Home... ©YasminaSolé2023 Music & lyrics. ()                
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