Olympics Satanic Closing Ceremony Reveals Antichrist! - Jim Staley reacts
The closing ceremony of the Olympics reveals exactly what Satan plans to do in the end times and how he will unveil the Antichrist, all in plain sight during the Olympics closing ceremony!
#olympicsclosingceremony #olympics #2024olympics
To read about it:
00:00:00 - Mocking Parody of The Last Supper at the Olympics
00:01:21 - The Closing Ceremony Revelation
00:02:47 - Offense and Pushback at the Olympics Opening Ceremony
00:04:12 - The Russian Foreign Minister’s Satanic Allegations
00:05:41 - The Golden Voyager: A Representation of the Antichrist
00:07:10 - The Subjugation of the World
00:08:45 - The Scorpions of the Earth and the Shape of the Locusts
00:10:11 - The Origins of the Word “Genie“
00:11:38 - The Imprisoned Male Angel
00:13:14 - The Arrival of the Fallen Angel
00:14:56 - The Symbolism of the Satanic Realm in Mythology
00:16:35 - The Transfer of Authority in Ancient Rome
00:18:26 - The Antichrist pays homage to the goddess Nike
00:20:09 - Chaos and the Hymn of Apollo
00:22:13 - The Symbolism of Apollo
00:23:52 - The Lawgiver Yahweh and Jesus
00:25:30 - The Final Ring and Mankind’s Excitement
00:27:14 - The Scary State of the World Today
00:28:54 - Creating Chaos and Finding the Solution
00:30:27 - The Prophetic Calendar of God’s Feast Days
00:32:01 - Check out Our YouTube Channel
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