Shocking! Nov conference European Parliament about the experimental COVID MRNA injections

Audio : Dutch Subtitles : English - credits Potkaars Breaking News about the experimental injections: Watch the press conference that was held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. At this press conference, Marcel de Graaff @MJRLdeGraaff (FVD MEP), Joachim Kuhs (AfD MEP), Willem Engel @dancalegria @willem_engel (WillDoFreedom/ pharmacologist), Vibeke Manniche (physician) and Max Smeling (statistician) discussed the shocking revelations contained in the letter from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This letter came in response to a request by Marcel de Graaff and Joachim Kuhs for the immediate suspension of authorisations for Covid-19 vaccines. Breaking News over de experimentele injecties: Bekijk de persconferentie die werd gehouden in het Europees Parlement in Straatsburg. Op deze persconferentie Marcel de Graaff @MJRLdeGraaff (FVD-Europarlementariër), Joachim Kuhs (AfD-Europarlementariër), Willem Engel @dancalegria @willem_engel (Wi
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