Sinead O’Connor - Her Mantle So Green

Her Mantle So Green, sung by Sinead O’Connor. A song about a young man who goes of to war leaving behind his true love, on returning he finds her and finds out if she has been true and still loves him. I have have tried to capture that with a more fantasy / Medieval touch to rather than the Nepolionic period it’s from or so I belive. Quote As I went out walking, one morning in June To view the fair fields, and the valleys in bloom; I spied a pretty fair maid, she appeared like a queen, With her costly fine robes and her mantle so green Says I, my pretty fair maid, wont you come with me, We’ll both join in wedlock, and married we’ll be; I will dress you in fine linen, you’ll appear like a queen, With your costly fine robes and your mantle so green. Says she, now my young man, you must be excused, For I’ll wed no man, so you must be refused; To the green woods I will wander and shun all men’s view For
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