2D ENEMY Melee Combat in UNITY - Setting Up Character - Part 1

Hello fellow game developers 🙋‍♂️ We are going to learn how you can make 2D Enemy Melee Combat in Unity. This is going to be a 3-Part mini-series. Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: In the 1st part we are going to learn how to properly setup the Enemy character. And in 2nd part we will write the code for the Enemy to make him attack when Player gets near. This will help you to create more exciting and better enemies for your game rather than just enemies which move on platform to-n-fro. I hope you will find this tutorial knowledgeable and helpful in developing your game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► Join DISCORD Community → (I am making the project Files public coz people are just joining the Discord community for Project Files and then never stay active or even leave.
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