Black Lung - Roth

Project Roth is an Artificial neural network research simulation utilising over a trillion AI nanoparticles as developed by Senior Prof. Brofenbrenner of Kaplan Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Mass). The innovation uses computational neural networks, a form of artificial intelligence, to emulate Human behaviour. The nanoparticles, which have sizes comparable to the wavelengths of visible light or smaller, are programmed to emulate human behavioural patterns as defined by internal (personal and psychological) and external factors (family, culture, economy, physical environment, etc.) . When the nanoparticles are placed together, the neural network was found to emulate ‘interactions’ at a highly accelerated rate. “The simulations are very exact, so when you compare these with known psychological experiments they reproduced each other point by point,“ says Brofenbrenner. ”But while they are numerically quite intensive, the interactions between particles was astonishing in its speed. What we saw was, when we programmed a bunch of parameters into these particles, many many different particles, and then added them to a neural network, the neural network developed ’intuition’ rapidly.” The nanoparticles, or ‘bots’ as the researchers nicknamed them, were found to form a cycle of self replication and then cannibalistic, viral like behaviour, it was likened to a “fight over resource and territory”. This cycle of rebirth and then termination would repeat itself in a variety of random patterns, however the researchers observed that there would be a period of geometric ‘alignment’ which Brofenbrenner describes: “as the test was performed time and time again the same geometric patterns, or ‘webs’ were recognised to occur at a certain point before a process of ‘inversion’ would occur where the bots would consume themselves and nothing would be left”. The research is funded by the National Foundation of Science, the Rogoff Semiconductor Research Corporation, the U.S. Army Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies and Altman Chemical Biological Center. Vision: ©2019 Kaplan Institute of Technology Audio: Black Lung ’Roth’
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