Harry/Hermione - “She’s pulling me through...“

Deathly Hallows AU. Story: After Ron leaves, Harry and Hermione grow closer and the storyline should be pretty self-explainatory from there lol. I completely fell in love with this song after hearing it on True Blood and knew I had to vid something to it. And other than like the last 5 seconds or so (which are kind of blah), I really, really love this vid and it might be one of my favorite vid I’ve ever made, which is odd considering this one was also one of the biggest pains in the ass lol Also, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who commented on my last vid! I really wasn’t expecting all the wonderful feedback and I know I haven’t had the time to reply to everyone, but I do read every comment and you guys are just awesome! So thank you so much and I hope you guys enjoy this vid just as much! Song: 9 Crimes - Damien Rice
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