NG LINK: MUSIC BY: SKYKID: RADIATION HAZARD: DESCENT 2 continues the plot of the unfortunately now cancelled DESCENT series and features new characters, factions and blood pumping action. This movie took about 6 months to make, I wanted to get it done faster but life issues and burnout got in the way. I’m not entirely happy with how the movie has turned out; I couldn’t fit the things I wanted into it. I spent too much time on the action and forgot about the story, which was always supposed to be the focus of the series. Some of the fights near the end lacked polish and generally there’s a lot of jank that not even I’m proud of with my already low standards. Due to downgrades with my editing software the general quality of the movie also took a pretty bad hit. If you’ve been keeping track of my Ng in the last month, you may already know that I ended up
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