Titanic Animated | Second Officer Charles Lightoller

Second Officer Charles Lightoller suggested to Captain Smith, “Hadn’t we better get the women and children into the boats, sir?“, to which he responded: “put the women and children in and lower away“. He recounted later in his book ’Titanic and Other Ships’: “I was drowning, and a matter of another couple of minutes would have seen me through, when suddenly, a terrific blast of hot air [from a boiler explosion] came up the shaft and blew me right away from the airshaft and up to the surface.” After the tragic events of April 14, 1912, he served in World War I. Then he set up a guesthouse in England with his wife and bought a yacht. He later used his boat to rescue British soldiers who were stranded on the beaches of Dunkirk, France, during World War II. The brave nobleman died at the age of 78 in 1952. Support the restoration of Titanic Memorial Lighthouse. Link in bio.
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