What Happened to Titanic’s Stern?

Titanic’s stern section today lies on the ocean floor a battered and torn husk of its former glory. We all know Titanic broke into two sections as it sank - but why is the forward bow section so well-preserved while the stern looks as if a bomb exploded? Theories have been put forward including implosion - but are these actually plausible? The Titan Submersible disaster showed us what dangers lurk below the surface once water pressure becomes involved - but physics would tell us that all is not as it appears on the Titanic wreck site. Today we’ll try to get to the bottom of the mystery and answer - what did happen to Titanic’s stern section as it sank? The magnificent paintings used in the thumbnail and video are by Ken Marschall The Titanic plans shown are by Matthew DeWinkeleer The 3D animations of Titanic are by our friend @TitanicHG and animated by Jack Gibson @jackganimations Oceanliner Designs ex
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