An astrophysicist explains the first JWST science images

The first science images from JWST are absolutely spectacular, but what are we seeing in them and what can learn from them? I’ve been at the National Astronomy Meeting at the University of Warwick all week with 500 of my fellow astronomers, and we’ve been geeking out over the images together - plus getting our hands on some of the first raw data to come off the telescope to see what we can find. More on the James Webb Space Telescope: Hear from Dr Sarah Kendrew from the MIRI instrument development team: See all the early release science project descriptions and proposals here, the data from which is now public: All raw JWST data that has been made public is accessed via MAST: For PNGs and/or TIFFs of these images hesd to: Keep up-to-date with all things JWST on the NASA blog: http
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