Hamburg - Black Market (1946)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. Hamburg, Germany. Shots of men and women lined up in a courtyard or parade ground at a police training school. Some men are in military-style police uniforms and we see them marching about. Several shots of the men jumping over an exercise box as a British officer looks on. The men do jumping exercises and push ups while the women throw large balls to each other. In an office a man in British army uniform sits at a desk with a policewoman, German high-ranking policeman and man in plain clothes. The British man could be Inspector McDermott, supervisor of Hamburg Police. Policemen and women sit at desks in a classroom and are briefed for black market raid by a man at a blackboard. He tests individual people on the details and moves cars about on the board. Trucks of police are parked in a city street and police get out. They walk along the street and go into a building - Hotel Stadt Hamburg. A woman is arrested
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