Cheap and simple Solar Power for our small Projects (ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino)

Adding cheap and simple solar power to our small outdoor projects (e.g. ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino Pro Mini) removes the need to save energy or recharge batteries. Today we will enhance a simple 50 cents Li-Ion charger board to do exactly that. I am a proud Patreon of @GreatScott!, @ElectroBOOM , @Electronoobs , @EEVblog , and others. No Docker, No Microsoft Teams, Zoom Links: TP4056 boards: or or ESP32 WROOM : or or (antenna connector) ESP32 PCB (different color) : or Solar panel 6V : Solar Panels 5 - : Voltage Regulator HT7333 : Schottky Diodes (used 1N5819) : FQP27P06 :
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