Nasha Chad Gaya (Official Video) - Keshav Malhotra | Khushi Chaudhary | New Song 2021
Here’s the Official Music Video of Latest Punjabi Song of 2021
The Grooviest Track✨ of this Year 2021 is released today i.e 4th !!⏳✨
So subscribe!!! to Keshav Malhotra’s YouTube Channel Now and Stay Tuned💯
Malhotra & Khushi Chaudhary (@keshavmalhotraofficia @khushicchaudhary)
Singer/Lyrics/Music - Keshav Malhotra (@keshavmalhotraofficial)
Female Vocals - Neha Malhotra (@officialnehamalhotra)
PR - Picture N Kraft / Parul Chawla (@picturenkraftofficial @parulchawla9)
Produced by - Artbaaz Studios (@artbaazstudios)
Poster/Marketing by - F1 Digitals (@f1digitals)
A Film Directed by - United White Flag (@unitedwhiteflag )
Team : - United White Flag
DOP : Rahul Arora (@doprahularora)
Editor : Varun Arora (@editorvarunarora)
Styling : Dharti Gulati (@dhartigulati)
Choreographed by : Shashank Dogra (@shashankdogra)
VFX : Vikas Panchal (@_vikas_panchal_ )
Drone : Tanish Arora (@tanisharoraofficial)
Production : Akshay Kapoor (Dubai) (@akshaykapoor301)
Makeup & Hai