Ron Wyatt Discoveries [2022] Gomorrah, Red Sea Crossing, Mt Sinai, Noah’s Ark, Blood of Christ

A well-rounded compilation of Ron Wyatt’s discoveries, including his ark of the covenant claim. Originally created for Abomination of Desolation documentary: Chapters 0:00 Intro 1:16 Sodom and Gomorrah 17:22 Red Sea Crossing 33:07 Mount Sinai 1:03:57 Noah’s Ark 1:37:46 Blood of Christ & Ark of the Covenant SODOM AND GOMORRAH - KJVPictures - [Written on my Heart] - Timo Shely - HolyLandSite - Ark Discovery - RISE - Discovered Media - Wyatt Family RED SEA CROSSING - Wyatt Family Рона Уайетта: Гоморра, переход через Красное море, гора Синай, Ноев ковчег, Кровь Христа
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