All 7 Chakra Entity Removal ✞ Rid Dark Energy & Demonic Power🙏 Subliminal Exorcism Prayer In Latin
All 7 Chakra Entity Removal ✞ Rid Dark Energy & Demonic Power🙏 Subliminal Exorcism Prayer In Latin
Each of the seven chakras gets energized by seven musical notations C D E F G A B. In this video includes 7 tracks with subliminal and are as follows:
1. Root Chakra Note C: The Root Chakra Entity will cause its victim to live in fear and experience high anxiety. An attachment here will make you feel as if your very survival is at stake and bring numerous phobias upon you. The victim will often become a hypochondriac. This 30-minute vibrational frequency session is meant to weaken the entity to the point in which it will release its grip on you. This also includes a powerful subliminal exorcism prayer.
2. Sacal Chakra Note D: The Sacral Chakra Entity. This is a common area for an attachment to be. Symptoms of this entity can be anything from an extreme sex drive to impotency. The victim will also harbor a lot of jealousy feelings toward their partner. This entity will fe
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