For my fellows non speaking french friends, we did a translation of our adaptation so you can actually know what we said/how we adapted the song ! You just have to activate the subtitles !
Here we are again for another song of K/DA’s EP : MORE.
A lot of people were asking for this song since its debut and we’ve been working on it to finally be able to show you this cover !!
I hope you will appreciate it as much as THE BADDEST and give a warm welcome to our french version of MORE.
Can’t wait to read all of your comments !!
Thanks again for everything and see you soon !
A huge thanks again to TBK, Séïa and Rena for joining me again on this song and Lala for being an amazing Seraphine !!
Thanks too Sumashu for the insane mix and Vulkain for the help on it !
Thank you Kerri for encoding the video and being an amazing supporter ♥
Lyrics :
Original song and video by Riot Games ()
Singers :
Rena as Kai’Sa : Twitter : @Renananadesu
Raku as Evelynn : Twitter @RakuMugetsu
Sainte Séïa as Akali : Twitter : @SainteSeia
TBK as Ahri : Twitter : @TBKitsune
Lala as Seraphine : Twitter : @FruityLala
Encoding : Kerri
Mix/Mastering : Sumashu : Twitter : @Sumashu
Help Mix : Vulkain Twitter : @PyroVulkain
#LeagueOfLegends #KDA #MORE
1 view
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K/DA | PBE Preview
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K/DA - MORE (Innaxe Remix)
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K/DA - More (Male Version)
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