DO YOU KNOW ? The time machine will be manufactured. Inspiration from AlphaGo Zero.

Watch more “ DO YOU KNOW ? “ Youtube Videos 👉👉​ Twitter 👉👉 “DO YOU KNOW ? “ is a channel to explore the world together. Including popular, fun, fashion, food, novelty, business, science... The most important thing is that we can always remain curious and have a happy day. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 👉👉 Machine Learning with TensorFlow 👉👉 amazon 👉👉 Chapters: 0:00 Video start 0:37 Searching technology of AlphaGo 1:51 The history of computers in Go 5:10 The father of AlphaGo - Demis Hassabis 6:52 AlphaGo Zero 9:21 TED seminar - The futurist Maurice Conti 12:17 Conclusion
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