Play-Fight Practice by Formless Arts

When you look at mirage, you know that the mirage is an illusion but the experience of seeing a mirage is real. Dream is like a mirage, while being in a dream feels as real as reality. Only upon waking up the illusory nature of the dream is undoubtedly recognized and often dreams fade away, quickly forgotten for having little relevant applications in the daily life. By examining carefully the dream phenomena, though, we can raise instigating questions on the nature of the wake states: How real and reliable is the so called reality? Is the wake state a truly concrete dimension or just another illusory experience of realness that takes place inside a seemingly different yet persistent illusory state? A sense of separateness is also like a mirage. The experience of separateness, on the other hand, may feel as real as seeing a mirage or being in a dream. At Play-Fight Practice, through physical interactions, we playfully and thoroughly explore the subtle curtain between t
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