Indonesia: “Criminal“ Nazi-themed cafe reopens - here’s what it looks like

Video ID: 20140625-008 W/S Hitler portrait M/S Hitler quote reading “Think (a) thousand times before taking a decision. But after taking decision never turn back, even if you get (a) thousand difficulties.“ W/S Hitler poster, Nazi posters W/S Room, with Nazi eagle and swastika on wall M/S Nazi eagle and swastika in background, Roman model in foreground W/S Dummy, World War II propaganda plaques M/S World War II propaganda plaques W/S Bar entrance SOT Henry Mulyana, Soldaten Kaffe owner (in Bahasa Indonesia): “I hope in the future that me displaying these things doesn’t mean that I’m pro-Nazi or Germany or any other ideology. We’re here just so I can display my hobby, which is collecting military stuff.“ W/S People in cafe M/S Soldaten Kaffe sign W/S Soldaten Kaffe sign SCRIPT The Nazi-themed Soldaten Kaffee that attracted global media attention last year was reopened again in Bandung on Saturday. Shut down last year due to international media attention and accusations the owner is sympathetic towards Nazi
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