Exclusive Report from The Islander’s Steve Sweeney: Donetsk Marketplace Tragedy

Exclusive Report from The Islander’s Steve Sweeney: Donetsk Marketplace Tragedy In an exclusive video report, The Islander’s own Steve Sweeney provides a chilling eyewitness account from the Donetsk marketplace, a site of senseless devastation earlier today. Capturing scenes too inconveniently graphic for the West’s client media, Sweeney’s report exposes the grim reality of a community torn apart. The marketplace, once a hub of life and laughter, now stands as a haunting symbol of the brutality inflicted by Ukrainian forces, armed and enabled by Western arms, NATO issued 155mm shells. The bloodstained streets of Donetsk lay bare the West’s hand in this tragedy. Their weapons, their support, directly fuel a fascist puppet regime’s brutality. Here lies the undeniable justification for Russia’s SMO: a stark, necessary shield against the West’s cynical game of human chess. As Donetsk mourns, Russia stands as the only bulwark against thi... Источник: Lord Of War
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