tix being iconic for 8 minutes

Turn on subs for translation! Disclaimer: I’m not norwegian, i dont speak norwegian so excuse me if there are errors in the translation! I did them quickly with the help of just my swedish language, trying to catch what he is saying. There are some empty slots which i didn’t catch and I could use some help with those parts. I did my best and will fix it if someone finds any errors in the subs *hearts* //thank you so much @Lightning McQueen’s ass for helping me with the subs in the comments! I don’t own any of these clips. I only edited and put this video together. THERE ARE ALSO PARTS WHICH I DIDN’T EDIT because they already existed in the original videos. I will list the used videos and the parts NOT edited by me below: 1. Idol clips: 2. The concert: concert 3. Cooking videos: 4. The punching clip:
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