Irrefutable Evidence AFU Executed Russian POW’s (Murders Not Shown) (18+)

Irrefutable evidence of Ukrainian fighters’ execution of Russian captives is in Readovka’s possession: video footage taken shortly before and immediately after the brutal murder of our soldiers. Explaining the detailed evidence and circumstances of the tragedy Readovka has obtained video footage that proves the atrocities committed by the Ukrainian military against Russian captives. In the first video ( ) our soldiers are being driven to the place of execution and in the second one their bodies are being cynically mutilated right after the tragedy. After comparing these videos, we have come to the conclusion that both videos actually feature the same soldiers, and both videos are episodes of the same crime committed by the Kiev military. Moreover, the footage also includes the faces of the killers and their identifying features. You can read a detailed analysis of the material on our website. ( )Obviously, we are facing a documented crime by Ukrainian servicemen. However, all the individuals involved have still not been punished. There is also no reaction from the international community to this blatant anti-humanity crime committed by the Ukrainian military. The editorial board is committed to providing all available materials concerning this crime to representatives of any media and international public organizations, if any are requested. The criminals must be punished.
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