【莉依紗】Tell Your World 雨の中で踊ってみた【4周年!】 - Niconico Video sm38630760

Many lines become circles Wherever he connects everything Good evening! I’m Riisa who gave a video 2 hours ago! (Lol) today! On the first day of the super conference! It’s actually the 4th anniversary! !! Wow! !! !! It’s been raining a lot because the timing isn’t right ... In the 4th year, I want to dance on both rainy and sunny days! !! My face and hair are soaked, but I’d be happy if you think it’s a taste (* ´ω `) To all the people who have supported me so far and who have been involved I sincerely thank you. Thank you very much. And! I look forward to working with you! !! Riisa Shooting / Editing (mylist / 63741366 @ _33san) (Thank you for shooting in the rain) Dance Riisa ● Various types of Riisa ● Twitter: @ RiISa1113 My list: mylist / 59164298 Community: co3674349 Previous video: [Risa] I tried to dance to God’s Manima [Super Conference! ] (Sm38630402) 莉依紗 04/24/2021 15:00 Views 1,494
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