Last Recordings: 10 Great Pianists’ “Swan Song“

I chose the last recording of 10 great pianists. Many of the recordings are a few days or even weeks before the pianists leave the world. Some knew it was probably a farewell recording, some didn’t. What is a “swan song“? Swan Song: “A metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement. The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans sing a beautiful song just before their death since they have been silent (or alternatively not so musical) for most of their lifetime. The belief, whose basis has been long debated, had become proverbial in ancient Greece by the 3rd century BC and was reiterated many times in later Western poetry and art.“ 1. Vladimir Horowitz. Horowitz’s final recordings in November 1989, four (4) days before his death. 00:00 Horowitz - Bach/Liszt - Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen 05:20 Horowitz - Wagner/Liszt - Isoldes Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde 2. Glenn Gould. Gould’s final re
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