Throne and Liberty | New 8 Minutes Exclusive Gameplay (2K 60FPS UHD)

Throne and Liberty | New 8 Minutes Exclusive Gameplay (2K 60FPS UHD) Throne and Liberty (Project TL) is a New IP-based MMORPG from NCSOFT. The game is a seriously reworked after the unsuccessful ZBT Lineage Eternal, but has only a common source code with it. The story, world and everything else is not connected with Lineage. Throne and Liberty is created on the Unreal Engine 4, and is likely to offer the best of LE, combined with global bug-fixing. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ The biggest support from you is like and subscribe, thank you ❤ ► Become a sponsor - ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ My computer 1 - PROCESSOR - AMD Ryzen 5 4500 , 6C/12T 2 - Video card - ASUS ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 3 - RAM - 16 GB DDR4-3200 Kingston HyperX FURY 4 - SSD: Samsung 250gb | (HDD) - 2 TB 5 - Monitor : Samsung C27G55TQW 6 - Microphone: ZET KORADJI GAMING 7 - Keyboard: Sven KB-G9500 US ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ throne and liberty,mmorpg,throne and liberty gameplay,ncsoft,mmo,throne and liberty release date,throne and liberty beta,project tl,tl,throne and liberty classes,throne and liberty trailer,world of warcraft,throne and liberty mmorpg,리니지w,throne and liberty mmo,리니지,lineage 2,엔씨소프트,lineage,throne and liberty update,мморпг,mmorpg 2023,baseball,야구,엔씨,nc dinos,nc 다이노스,asmongold,김택진,new world,리니지m,throne and liberty news,throne and liberty ncsoft,korean baseball #throneandliberty #mmorpg #throneandlibertygameplay #ncsoft #mmo #throneandlibertyreleasedate #throneandlibertybeta #projecttl #tl #throneandlibertyclasses #throneandlibertytrailer #worldofwarcraft #throneandlibertymmorpg #리니지w #throneandlibertymmo #리니지 #lineage2 #엔씨소프트 #lineage #throneandlibertyupdate #мморпг #mmorpg2023 #baseball #야구 #엔씨 #ncdinos #nc다이노스 #asmongold #김택진 #newworld #리니지m #throneandlibertynews
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