Eskrima Kali Arnis 5 year old girl double stick Martial Arts Academy,Nottingham,UK
Master Richard Hudson’s Kickfit International Martial Arts Academy, City Buildings ,28-32 Carrington Street, Nottingham UK
0115-9242240/07831 777 816 .
Only £ to try any 3 lessons! The Power of three!!!
Over 15 Adult Classes and 6 Kids(Young Warriors ) Classes a week!
*Classes in Filipino Martial Arts of Eskrima-Kali Arnis Estilo Libre and Doce Pares.
*Classes in Philinomaya Pentjak Silat System
*Classes in Bruce Lee’s Jun Fan,Jeet Kune do and Jeet Kune Do Concepts
*Classes in Progressive Kickboxing class a blend of Boxing ,French Savate -Boxe Francaise,Muay Thai,Filipino Rapid Fire Kicking --Pananjakman,Filipino Dirty Boxing-Pananjakman, Also Kicks from Kung Fu and Jun Fan.
*Classes in “STREETWISE“ Self Defence /Progressive StreetFighting.
*Classes in MMA-Multi Style Grappling System .Concepts in Brazilian Ju Jitsu, Filipino Combat Judo and Dumog ,Shootfighting ,and Much more!.
*Classes in Muay Thai.
*Classes in Fitness circit training weights and Bag work
*Classes in Multi Style Weapons training.
Thowing knives,Bull whip,Katana ,Gurkha Kukri,Stcks,Staffs,Spears,Rapier and Left hand Dagger,Fencing,Nunchaku,Keris,Kerambit,Swords,Sheilds,Daggers,Knives,
Barung(barong),Kampilan,Sundang Kris-Kalis, and much more!
Master Richard Hudson is three times World Champion and has Multiple National Titles . He has worked for many years in the Door and Entertainment Security and has Worked as a Body Guard to the Stars.
Master Hudson is a 6 th Dan Black belt and MASTER Grade in Doce Pares Eskrima-Kali-Arnis (Est;1932) also Founder of Estilo Libre Eskrima --Kali-Arnis --Silat System.
Sifu Richard Hudson is and Instructor in Bruce Lee’s Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do under Grand Master/Sifu Richard Bustilo the owner of The IMB Academy ,Carson ,California USA. Richard Bustilo is a Origonal student of the late Bruce Lee and a former training patner of Dan Inosanto.
Sifu/Master Richard Hudson has trained with 10 origonal students of Bruce Lee and many many Masters and Top Instructors in Martial Arts Styles from all over the World.
4 months ago 00:07:03 1
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