Rising from Sanctions! U.S. Commerce Secretary recognizes China’s chip move to independence!

Welcome to VOC - Vision of China,In today’s episode, we explore a crucial development in the world of technology and international relations. U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo’s recent acknowledgment of China’s growing independence in the semiconductor industry and plans to strengthen export controls has raised significant concerns. Join us as we delve into the details of this important topic. For years, the United States has attempted to hinder China’s semiconductor industry through various means, but recent advancements in China’s tech sector suggest that these efforts might not be achieving the desired results. We discuss the potential consequences of the U.S. government’s plans to update chip export control measures and their impact on China’s access to advanced chip manufacturing equipment and AI chips. During a Senate Committee on Commerce hearing, Raimondo emphasized the need for different tools and increased enforcement resources to address Huawei’s advancements in the 7-nanometer chip field. This shift in stance underscores the United States’ concerns about China’s technologic
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