A New Data Experience. The Future of Big Data

Companies spend a ton of money on studies, both internal and from third parties. These studies are meant to evaluate their products and practices. What can they do better? What is the next thing people want to see? What do they never want to see again? All of these are important questions for any organization that exists to market any kind of product or service to others, whether it be baseball bats, rockets, or a homeless shelter.  However, often the tools they use to conduct those studies and produce those reports discussed in meeting rooms around the nation are unreliable. Not dishonest necessarily, simply the wrong tool for the job. TARTLE is proposing a tool that will allow any organization to get the information they need to get truly reliable reports, reports that will accurately reflect where the organization is at and so help provide a more reliable guide for the future. You want every report to hit it out of the park and we want to help make that a reality. If that can be possible, then you w
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