Weird practices of Queen Elizabeth and Royals throughout history

How did queen Elizabeth the first keep clean? Royals like queen Elizabeth I, Henry VIII, King Edward IV, Isabella of Spain, have acquired something of a bad reputation when it comes to hygiene, filthy residences forced these monarchs to move out of their courts, because of how stinky they’d become. Obviously, they had significantly different standards than we do now. the average life expectancy in the Middle Ages was a mere 30 year this was the time of the plague,and a lack of hygiene had definitely played a role. monarchs of the past maintained some truly bizarre hygiene practices, For the past centuries , Europe and its colonies was the most dirty and unhygiene as it ever been trough out history. Not only did peasants avoid cleaning themself, but also royals would avoid water,and cleaned themselves in ways we’d call disgusting tod #history The following music was used for this media project: Music: Floating Cities by Kevin MacLeod Free download:
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