Why employers to lose employment disputes with employees

Today we will cover an important subject currently at the forefront of litigations between employers and employees. THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE VIDEO “Court Disputes between Employees and Employers“ ROMAN GEREBTSOV - Senior Associate Pepeliaev Group What does the employer need to know to avoid losing a dispute with an employee even if all the legal formalities have been complied with? • What is crucial to factor in for the employer so that it wins the dispute? • Why has it become a trend for employers to lose disputes with employees? As labour and employment lawyers, we constantly follow up on the case law involving employment disputes, and are seeing that a trend of enhanced protection of employees’ rights has been evolving in recent years. It has become a trend for employers increasingly often to lose employment disputes owing to the trend of enhanced protection of employee’s rights. Employers often lose such kinds of disputes that they would definitely have won a few years ago. Subscribe to our Telegram channel dedicated to labour and employment law: Our website Subscribe to our business newsletters: ● Bankruptcy ● General legal digest ● Tax digest ● And more. To subscribe to our newsletters, please access your personal account on our website (or register) and select the necessary subscriptions - login/registration Link to our official Telegram channel: To search on the Telegram App: @Pgp_official All our Telegram channels #CourtDisputes #Employees #Employer #supremecourt #dismissal
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