’I Wanna Dance With Somebody’ Cast Sings Whitney Houston in a Game of Song Association | ELLE

#IWannaDanceWithSomebody stars #NaomiAckie and #NafessaWilliams join #ELLE to play a game of #SongAssociation. Jamming to as much #WhitneyHuston as humanly possible, these two climbed the leaderboard through Whitney’s classics like #IWillAlwaysLoveYou and #RunToYou- and they even spilled behind-the-scenes filming stories on their way to the top. Follow Nafessa Williams on IG: Get tickets to ’I Wanna Dance With Somebody’ HERE: ELLE SHOWS: LATEST SEASON OF SONG ASSOCIATION: WATCH ALL SEASONS OF SONG ASSOCIATION HERE: Waking Up With: Thirst Trap: Ask Me Anything: The Clothes of Our Lives: Mama, I Made It: https://www
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