Straw Bear Online: Procession through the ages part 1

Take a look at the first 41 years of the Whittlesea Straw Bear – the mythical figure that roams the streets of this Cambridgeshire town one weekend in January. You’ll also see some of the Morris teams that have taken part in the procession over the years, and 2021’s unique “Isolation Bear”. Part of the #StrawBearOnline festival, taking place over the weekend of 15th-17th January 2021. See the latest news about the Whittlesea Straw Bear festival at All performances filmed in accordance with Covid regulations at the time of filming. All Permissions sought. Voice over and SB tune played by Ady Bull. Footage from Rebecca Kell, David Mason, Owain Boorman, Phil Oldfield, Bridget Cleave, Roy Harrision, Doc Rowe, Megan Randall, Brian and Christine Kell Edited by Rebecca Kell.
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