Beauty and the Beast Movie to be Directed by Guillermo del Toro

- Click to Subscribe! - Become a Fan! - Follow Us! Hey eveyrone! thaks so much for checking back with us at clevver movies, I’m your host Tatiana Carrier coming to you from our hollywood headquartes with the latest on the fairy tale classic beauty and the beast. Weve just learned that Director Guillermo Del Toro has signed on to direct and produce Beast, a new adaption of the classic fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast, best know from the Disney animated classic. Harry Potter actress, Emma Watson is set to star in Del Toro’s Beast adaptation. Watson, who came on board last summer, was a definitive choice for the film. The project has been in the works since last spring, when Del Toro started working on the concept with producers De Novi and Alison Greenspan. Beast originally came from an adaption of the novel Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast by Robin
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