RHYTM POLICE ghost train

Download: Ghost Train a musicvideo by Jeanine Reutemann Sarah Keusch MUSIC: Rhytm Police - Ghost Train A song about life and the continuity of the soul. The end and a new beginning are here and now. Director Camera Jeanine Reutemann Idea, Requisites, Organisation Sarah Keusch Jeanine Reutemann Production HSLU Redmorpheus Dancers Sarah Keusch Nat Hour Natalie Wagner Giovanna DeCaro Guy Maderer Lisa Ramstein Marcina de Almeida Kids Ana Boscovic Marisa Saxer Michelle Heimgartner Elias Marty Dennis Buser Maya Buser Lino Biella Salia Örtli Nuradin Örtli Nanoy Linares Costume Mirjam Suter Sarah Keusch Jeanine Reutemann Kostümverleih Türkheim Make up Barbara Fuchs Vanessa Gertsch Editor Jeanine Reutemann Wolfgang Weigl Second Camera Simon Honegger Photos Rebekka Stofer
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