Water Drop (After Effects template)

Download now ’Water Drop’ – Design Without Limits – Inspiring and ready-to-use templates, fonts, add-ons, and assets. Unlimited template downloads for a single monthly fee. No plugins required two versions: studio, sunnyday version: AE CS6 and above resolusion: 1920×1080 frame rate: 25 fps length: 10 sec manual included ————————————————————————— If you liked this video, place Like, share with friends on social networks and leave your opinion in the comments ————————————————————————— If you are the author of this project and believe any that the use of the project preview on this channel are not legitimate, please write to e-mail and we will resolve this issue. ————————————————————————— Infilm After Effects Template is the leader in survey Adobe After Effects project and templates on Envato Marketplace. Infilm After Effe
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