Hand-Stitched Leather Gloves - An Overview

There are many steps involved in the manufacture of hand-stitched leather gloves. Once a customer’s measurements are taken, a skin is selected. This step is vital for proper-fitting leather gloves. The hairsheep skin is stretched before and after sectioning, to put the stretch into the leather. The gloves tranks are cut in such a way that the cuff of the glove comes from the spine of the animal, the toughest part. A blunt knife is used to stretch out the furthest edges of the section, to ensure the entire panel is evenly stretched. The table cutting process begins with the customer’s measurements. Each finger’s length and position are considered and altered from the template. The leather panels are lightly adhered together first, using a weak adhesive such as hairspray. This means they can be cut together for a perfect match. The thumb components and their corresponding holes must be cut perfectly, otherwise the thumb will not fit correctly. Lines are marked on the back of the glove for the
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