Смотри и думай... История 34. Статуэтки Убейд. Ирак.Figurines Ubeyd. Iraq.

Description in English - below. История 34. Статуэтки Убейд. Ирак. Look and think... History 34. Figurines Ubeyd. Iraq. “Ubaid’s culture existed in the south of modern Iraq from the 6th to the 4th millennium BC, that is, before the period of Uruk and is considered to be the predecessor Sumerian civilization, which grew out of the heritage of Nibiru. Strengthening the Sumerian community attracted the expulsion of ubeydtsev. Their name is their culture El-Ubaid near the ancient city of Ur. On the base of clay figurines found in the south modern Iraq (one of the main cradles of modern civilization), one can not exclude the assumption that this was the case representatives of terrestrial reptilians known to early humanity. It is believed that the culture of Ubaid, which created figurines of the lizards (human reptilian or intelligent reptiles), arose even before the advent of the Sumerian civilization ... “
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