MusicSnake - Fibonacci [Detsl aka Le Truk Tribute / в память о Децле]

contact/links: likes/comments: Lyrics: Detsl aka Le Truk (intro, chorus), MusicSnake (verses) Official Lyrics: *** There is no time for depression   I want you to fix your attention See, we are all - reflection People, places, different situations Everything is connected Rearranged then reflected Respect it  Spend some time and see I’m like you and you’re like me From morning self-confidence to evening doubts  “Why are we here?“, “What’s life all about?“,  People are asking themselves over and over again Life is a great book of collective brain Wars, Capitals, Success & Fail  Everyone’s trying to catch luck by the tail Can’t find destination? The way is unknown No time for depression, you are not alone “No black and white just shades of grey” Life is like weather, it’s changing day by day Wealth or morals? - a question for the Soul Don’t let your heart turn to a stone We are al
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