What Is Jesus’ Flesh and Blood? | WMSCOG, Church of God

Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother let us know that in order for mankind to freely enter the tree of life, they must receive a free pass to heaven through the flesh and blood of Jesus. The World Mission Society Churches of God is the only place throughout the world, where we are able to receive a free pass to the tree of life through the flesh and blood of Jesus. Here, we can eat Jesus’ flesh and drink Jesus’ blood through the bread and wine of the new covenant Passover. #WMSCOG#KimJoo-cheol#Sermon [This video is copyrighted by the World Mission Society Church of God. Unauthorised copying and distribution are prohibited.] 〖World Mission Society Church of God〗 〖WATV Media Cast〗 〖United Kingdom〗 〖US East Coast〗 〖US LA〗 〖US New Jersey〗 〖US New Yo
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