Sky Gloria - Keys to the 88 Constellations - Full Album (Vol I of II)

“This recording contains 44 musical keys to 44 doorways of the 88 constellations. These keys were carefully mapped out using a mathematical formula that was uncovered while deciphering hidden codes of reality. (revolutionarily enabling one to turn any word/phrase into a harmonious melody through which to learn of its deeper energies). You can use these chords to receive information or inspiration from the associated constellation. This is a Skeleton Key to Infinite Realms.“ - #constellations #keys #celestial All music composed by Jeremy Garner. All image credits to be found on the wiki pages of the following constellations: 0:00 Andromeda 0:58 Antlia 1:56 Apus 2:56 Aquarius 3:53 Aquila 4:50 Ara 5:47 Aries 6:45 Auriga 7:45 Boötes 8:41 Caelum 9:40 Camelopardalis 10:39 Cancer 11:37 Canes Venatici 12:37 Canis Major 13:35 Canis Minor 14:30 Capricornus 15:30 Carina 16:29 Cassiopeia 17:28 Centaurus 18:27 Ceph
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