RHYE - NEEDED From SPIRIT EP, RHYE delivered to us a second track: the masterpiece NEEDED. We can talk for hours about the music that constantly breaks barriers defies genres and straightly touch our hearts with every release they make and in every mood possible.!!! Beyond comparison, Mike Milosh can make our ears open wide for every note he delivers. Out of this earth, performances are standard for him, heavenly gifted for us.!!! So you get the point. WE LOVE RHYE SINCE DAY 1 AND WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO FOLLOW STREAM AND BUY EVERYTHING RHYE. We think we made our point clear with this one. NEEDED is something so profound and basic we all need. We crave to be needed disguising our behaviors like anger, wrong love, loud acting, and everything in between. We can use all some peace and realization that it is perfectly human to be fragile and just speak the words: I want to be needed. That’s what i need.!!!... NEEDED LYRICS: Why sound so solid? Why you feel so s
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