Enter The Metroverse, the brainchild of acclaimed music producer and DJ Metro Boomin. This groundbreaking media company transforms his musical journey into an immersive comic universe. At its core is a compelling superhero character introduced in Heroes and Villains, embodying the duality and complexity of Metro Boomin’s artistry. Each issue is Metro’s love letter to the comics, mimicking the distinct styles of different comic periods, and is brought to life by the talented artist Vasilis Lolos. Through stunning visuals and captivating storytelling, The Metroverse invites fans to explore a world where music and mythology collide, offering a fresh, creative experience that brings his beats and narratives to life. Dive into The Metroverse and discover the innovative fusion of sound and story.
1 view
5 months ago 00:00:31 1
The Metroverse Trailer
10 months ago 00:02:20 2
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse | Self Love by Metro Boomin x Coi Leray | Official Lyric Video
1 year ago 00:00:53 1
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse | Behind the Scenes | Metro Boomin’s Metro-Verse
4 years ago 00:18:49 1
Musical Confrontation - Crysis vs. Metro (version 2)