Inside Russia’s $504 Million Dollar Air Force One

Welcome back, Richest fans! During a meeting in Geneva in June 2021 between U.S President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the world got a glimpse of the two nations’ Presidential planes. While some know a lot about Air Force One, many know little about Russian’s equivalent. Well, that’s going to change today. We’re going to peel back the curtain and see what Putin’s plane contains. Including a gold toilet! We’ll explore the history of their current jet as well as all the costs along the way. We’ll also compare it to Air Force One to see what the difference is. We’ll even examine Putin’s limousine features! Now for the spoiler paragraph. If you like surprises, we suggest you stop reading and watch the video multiple times. Firstly, we’ll see the history of the Ilyushin Il-96-300PU. Such as the fact that Putin has five to choose from! Then, we’ll see the features within. On top of the gold toilet, the rest of the interior is also decorated with the pricey gold substance. T
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